Indian Rail Info by TravelKhana

Nearest Railway Station to Tezpur

Nearest Railway Station to Tezpur

Want to know about the nearest railway station to Tezpur? The nearest railhead is Silghat Town junction and it is just at 14 km distance and it will take about 40 to 45 minutes in covering this distance via road, using auto or a taxi and get to Tezpur. The other nearby railway stations that are in close vicinity to Tezpur are Jakhalabandha station, Rangapara North station, Amoni, New Misamari station, Nagaon station and Viswanath Chrli station that are located within 21 to 38 km range and the time will completely depend on the train station and transport you have been using to be there. Tezpur is an urban agglomeration and a city situated in the Sonitpur district in Assam state in India. Lying on the banks of Brahmaputra River, it is among the largest of the North bank towns and it has a population exceeding 100,000 in 2011. Silghat town is situated on the Southern banks of Brahmaputra area and it is located in the Nagaon district in Assam. Silghat railway station is the main station of the city and the point of attractions that are must to visit by in and around cover Kamakhya temple, waterways terminal and more.

Trains Passing Through SHTT/Silghat Town

07530 Silghat Town – Guwahati DEMU Special DEMU Rake origin 09:00
13181 Kolkata – Silghat Town Kaziranga Express Mail/Express Rake 09:40 destination
15417 Alipurduar Jn – Silghat Town Rajya Rani Express Mail/Express Rake 09:40 destination
15418 Silghat Town – Alipurduar Rajya Rani Express Mail/Express Rake origin 17:25
15629 Nagaon Express (PT) Mail/Express Rake 09:40 destination
15630 Nagaon Express (PT) Mail/Express Rake origin 09:00
75729 Guwahati – Silghat Town DEMU DEMU Rake 20:55 destination
75730 Silghat Town – Guwahati DEMU DEMU Rake origin 06:00