Howrah Balurghat Express belongs to Eastern Railways zone. It is connecting Howrah and Balurghat stations in the country. The train runs bi-weekly in India. It operates with train numbers 13063 and 13064 from both ends. It covers a total distance of 439 km in about 10 hours and 15 minutes.
Are you looking for information related to train 13063 timetable? Want to know of the same or planning to travel in the train? It runs from Howrah station to Balurghat station in the country. Train 13063 leaves Howrah at 07:50 hours and reaches Balurghat station at 18:05 hours on the same day of the journey. It stops by at 9 stoppages and they are at Bandel, Nabadwip Dham, Katwa, Azimganj, New Farakka, Malda Town, Gazole, Buniadpur, and Gangarampur. The average running speed of the express is 43 km/hour. There are 17 coaches in the express, and there are second sitting, AC second class, sleeper, AC third class, and general category coaches. There is no pantry car attached within the express. If passengers want, they can try out lip smacking e-catering food delivery services ordered and delivered by the famous Travel Khana. The fare in the general class would be Rs. 155 in second sitting, Rs. 260 in sleeper, Rs. 700 in AC 3 tier, and Rs. 1000 in AC 2 tier coach. In tatkal class, the extra charge would be Rs. 44 in second sitting, Rs. 76 in sleeper, Rs. 197 in AC 3 tier, and Rs. 285 in AC 2 tier coach.
Make sure to know about the train 13063 whereabouts using Spot your train app. By just entering in the train number, one can find out the actual arrival or departure time of the train, its location, and everything in minutes. Have a safe and happy journey!
Spot your running train status 13063/HWH BLGT EXPRES
Check the current running status of 13063/HWH BLGT EXPRES which runs between HWH to BLGT Mentioned below are the details of your running train which includes arrival and departure timings, present station of the train, train delay and arrival timings.
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
07:50/Origin |
07:50/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:37/08:47 |
08:49/08:49 |
12 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:44/09:37 |
09:46/09:40 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:23/10:37 |
10:42/10:42 |
19 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:57/11:47 |
12:00/11:52 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:45/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
30 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
14:58/15:15 |
15:25/15:25 |
27 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
15:51/15:45 |
15:56/15:47 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
16:13/16:01 |
16:15/16:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
16:37/16:25 |
16:40/16:27 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gangarampur (GRMP) |
16:53/16:45 |
16:55/16:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 8 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Balurghat (BLGT) |
17:42/17:35 |
17:42/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
N.A |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
07:53/Origin |
07:53/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:48/08:47 |
08:55/08:49 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:49/09:37 |
09:52/09:40 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:41/10:37 |
10:46/10:42 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:50/11:47 |
11:54/11:52 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:45/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
30 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
14:58/15:15 |
15:25/15:25 |
27 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
16:12/15:45 |
16:14/Destination |
2 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
08:02/Origin |
08:02/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:52/08:47 |
08:58/08:49 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:56/09:37 |
09:59/09:40 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 19 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:37/10:37 |
10:44/10:42 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 2 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
12:01/11:47 |
12:09/11:52 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:40/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
35 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
14:55/15:15 |
15:25/15:25 |
30 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
16:01/15:45 |
16:12/15:47 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
16:59/16:01 |
17:01/16:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 14 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
16:59/16:25 |
17:01/16:27 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 14 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gangarampur (GRMP) |
17:39/16:45 |
17:39/16:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Balurghat (BLGT) |
17:39/17:35 |
17:39/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
N.A |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
08:00/Origin |
08:00/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 10 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:51/08:47 |
09:00/08:49 |
9 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:52/09:37 |
09:55/09:40 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:37/10:37 |
10:42/10:42 |
5 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:53/11:47 |
11:58/11:52 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:49/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
26 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
15:06/15:15 |
15:25/15:25 |
19 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
16:08/15:45 |
16:16/15:47 |
8 min | Departed /Late by 13 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
17:12/16:01 |
17:17/16:03 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 50 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
17:29/16:25 |
17:38/Destination |
9 min | Departed /Late by 51 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
07:53/Origin |
07:53/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 3 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:47/08:47 |
08:49/08:49 |
2 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:52/09:37 |
09:55/09:40 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:46/10:37 |
10:51/10:42 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 9 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:54/11:47 |
12:03/11:52 |
9 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:41/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
34 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
14:56/15:15 |
15:32/15:25 |
36 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
17:05/15:45 |
17:08/15:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 41 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
17:05/16:01 |
17:08/16:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 41 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
17:24/16:25 |
17:26/16:27 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 39 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gangarampur (GRMP) |
18:04/16:45 |
18:04/16:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 29 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Balurghat (BLGT) |
18:04/17:35 |
18:04/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 29 min | 1 |
N.A |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
08:01/Origin |
08:01/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 11 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:48/08:47 |
08:55/08:49 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:51/09:37 |
09:55/09:40 |
4 min | Departed /Late by 15 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:22/10:37 |
10:43/10:42 |
21 min | Departed /Late by 1 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:57/11:47 |
12:04/11:52 |
7 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
14:05/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
10 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
16:04/15:15 |
16:07/15:25 |
10 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
16:04/15:45 |
16:07/15:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 4 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
16:30/16:01 |
16:33/16:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
16:50/16:25 |
16:52/16:27 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 5 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gangarampur (GRMP) |
17:35/16:45 |
17:35/16:47 |
2 min | On Time | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Balurghat (BLGT) |
17:35/17:35 |
17:35/Destination |
- | On Time | 1 |
N.A |
Station | Actual / Sch. Arrival |
Actual / Sch. Departure |
Halt | Train Status |
Day Count | Platform |
Howrah Jn (HWH) |
08:02/Origin |
08:02/07:50 |
0 min | Departed /Late by 12 min | 1 |
Platform 11 |
Bandel Jn (BDC) |
08:50/08:47 |
09:03/08:49 |
13 min | Departed /Late by 14 min | 1 |
N.A |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) |
09:54/09:37 |
09:57/09:40 |
3 min | Departed /Late by 17 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) |
10:43/10:37 |
10:49/10:42 |
6 min | Departed /Late by 7 min | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) |
11:53/11:47 |
11:58/11:52 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 6 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) |
13:59/14:13 |
14:15/14:15 |
16 min | Departed /On Time | 1 |
Platform 3 |
Malda Town (MLDT) |
15:40/15:15 |
15:51/15:25 |
11 min | Departed /Late by 26 min | 1 |
Platform 4 |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) |
16:28/15:45 |
16:33/15:47 |
5 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gazole (GZO) |
16:54/16:01 |
16:57/16:03 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 1 |
N.A |
Buniadpur (BNDP) |
16:54/16:25 |
16:57/16:27 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 30 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Gangarampur (GRMP) |
17:13/16:45 |
17:15/16:47 |
2 min | Departed /Late by 28 min | 1 |
Platform 1 |
Balurghat (BLGT) |
17:53/17:35 |
17:53/Destination |
- | Departed /Late by 18 min | 1 |
N.A |
Station | Arrival | 2024-10-11 | 2024-10-10 | 2024-10-09 | 2024-10-08 | 2024-10-07 | 2024-10-04 | 2024-10-03 |
Howrah Jn (HWH) | Origin | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min |
Bandel Jn (BDC) | 08:47 | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min | 4 min |
Nabadwip Dham (NDAE) | 09:37 | 11 min | 11 min | 11 min | 11 min | 11 min | 11 min | 11 min |
Katwa Jn (KWAE) | 10:37 | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min | 3 min |
Azimganj Jn (AZ) | 11:47 | 19 min | 19 min | 19 min | 19 min | 19 min | 19 min | 19 min |
New Farakka Jn (NFK) | 14:13 | 31 min | 31 min | 31 min | 31 min | 31 min | 31 min | 31 min |
Malda Town (MLDT) | 15:15 | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min | 7 min |
Eklakhi Jn (EKI) | 15:45 | 20 min | 20 min | 20 min | 20 min | 20 min | 20 min | 20 min |
Gazole (GZO) | 16:01 | 24 min | 0 min | 24 min | 24 min | 24 min | 24 min | 24 min |
Buniadpur (BNDP) | 16:25 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Gangarampur (GRMP) | 16:45 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Balurghat (BLGT) | 17:35 | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min | 0 min |
Frequently Ask Question about Train
13063 HWH BLGT EXPRES is Crossed at .
13063 HWH BLGT EXPRES runs from Howrah Jn(HWH) to Balurghat(BLGT).
Train covers a distance of Kilometers in 439km in 9h 55m
13063 HWH BLGT EXPRES has maximum stoppage time at New Farakka Jn(30 min).
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived
HWH BLGT EXPRES(13063) Departed from () at on Reached its Destination () at on Status: On Time Arrived