
Food Delivery in Train at AGRA CANTT.

Online Food Delivery in Train at Agra Cantt

TravelKhana now takes its quality food service to the city of Love - Agra. Experience the royal delicacies right inside your train, seated comfortably in your berth. No more eating dubious food on the platforms. TravelKhana is always just a click away to serve its travelling customers. At TravelKhana, we are committed to getting you the best quality food, right at your step.

Agra - the city of Love

Agra, situated on the banks of river Yamuna in the state of Uttar Pradesh, is one of the most visited cities of India - courtesy the famous Taj Mahal. People from all over the world visit this beautiful world heritage site and gape at its sheer perfection and magnificence. There is not just Taj Mahal that graces the city, but also many other 19th Century Mughal era buildings including Agra Fort and Fatehpur Sikri that have been given the title of UNESCO world heritage sites due to its architectural excellence.

Agra's history has been adorned with the stories of the Mughal Empire serving as its capital city for at least a hundred years. The city had been established long before the Mughals laid siege on its ground and has been present from the Mahabharata period. Agra as a city has been well connected to all the major cities across India in order to support and propagate tourism. With easy access by roads, rail and air, the city receives millions of tourists each year just to acknowledge the presence of the mighty Taj Mahal.

Agra is not just famous for its Mughal Era architecture but is also known for its impeccable handwork in marble inlay and carpets. In earlier centuries, Agra used to be the economic centre of India. It may not be the same today, but it definitely serves as one of the most prominent handicraft cities in India. Agra is not just a city of heritage, but also about the finger licking Mughal food that never fails to satiate the taste buds of hungry travelers. TravelKhana now provides Food delivery in train at Agra Cantt Railway Station.

TravelKhana has been responsible for helping many travelers by serving them the most delicious food while they are on the move. No more compromising with the quality of meals by eating at the station. You can now also order the local delicacies of Agra while sitting inside your train.

All the orders can be placed from our website at least an hour or two before the arrival or departure time of the train. Just give us your choice of menu along with the train, bogie and seat number and your food will be served to you.Order Food in Train at Agra Cantt Station – Travelkhana.

Agra Helpline Numbers

Agra Railway Station: 0562-2421039, 131, 133, 134
GRP: 0562-2462923, 9454402549

Agra has been serving the tourists all across the globe for many years not just for its structural magnificence, but also the finger licking food. The tourists come here all around the year to enjoy the beauty of Taj in all seasons.