Chain Pulling Rules: Everything You Need to Know
An unexpected situation can happen in the train at any time and then the train must be stopped immediately to overcome the emergency. For the convenience of passengers, Indian Railways has equipped emergency chain brakes in every coach so that passengers can avoid accidents during the journey. Each train is armed with an alarm chain that allows passengers to stop a moving train. As soon as the passenger pulls the chain, it activates the emergency brakes to stop the train. In India, chain transport is a major problem in the railway system because criminals do it to make unexpected stops near their destination. Chain pulling is often done for genuine and malicious reasons when passengers want to stop the train for their own convenience. However, Indian Railways has established some important laws and regulations regarding chain traction that everyone must know to avoid Indian Railways penalties or serious legal action.
The number of Chains in the train!
Train Alarm Chains are used only in case of acute emergency. In the past, the railways provided alarm chains on both sides of the wagons. Today, Indian Railways has reduced the number of chains due to the increasing misuse of this facility. Now each coach has only one chain located in the center of each coach.
News: 650 arrested for chain pulling in 6 months:-
According to a report published by, the Northern Railway authorities have arrested more than 650 people for the riot. Chain Pulling (ACP) causes inconvenience to passengers and delays the train. The railway classifies this act as an offense under section 141 of the Railways Act 1989. Chain Pulling for more minor reasons can lead to arrest and fines.
News: Southern Railway makes 737 arrests for unlicensed ACP:-
Southern Railway reveals in a report that 737 people were arrested for chain pulling an unauthorized alarm chain between January and June 2018. Good reasons for chain pulling like buying food or when someone failed to board the train.
Role of Loco Pilot when Miscreants Pull Chain:-
Indian railway companies have revised their rules on the duties of a locomotive pilot. In the past, the train driver had the power to override the emergency brakes, meaning that every passenger would pull the alarm chain, even if the train did not stop several times. Today, locomotive pilots can only override the brakes in certain specified scenarios. If the locomotive driver bypasses the braking system, the administrative railway authorities will be responsible for such dereliction of duty.
Does the RPF know about pulling the alarm chain?
Have you ever wondered how exactly an RPF officer enters the exact coach after chain pulling? That’s the magic of train sidewall hazard signals. These flashes are triggered in the cart from where the chain was pulled and light starts flashing through which the RPF personnel can easily locate the cart. After manually installing the chain, the train is ready to run and run at its own speed.
Note. An RPF officer can easily identify the coach but cannot trace the chain puller.
What are the real reasons for chain pulling?
- Medical emergency: When a passenger needs medical attention in the immediate area or at the station (eg immediate treatment) medical attention or hospital treatment).
- Fire on the train:- accidents are inevitable. Passengers can pull a chain from their carriage in the event of a fire on a train.
- Boarding an elderly or disabled person:- Chain pulling with an elderly or disabled person is not a crime. It may take time for the elderly and disabled to board the train. Deliberately pulling a chain to delay a train because someone has boarded is an offense.
- Security emergencies: In cases of robbery, looting in Naxal zones, etc.
Punishment for chain pulling:-
Section 141 of the Indian Railways Act specifies that “ Unnecessary interference with the means of communication of a train. – if the passenger or any other person without a reasonable and sufficient reason uses or obstructs the means of communication provided by the railway board between the passengers and the railway operator on the train. in a train, he will be punished with imprisonment which may extend up to one year, or with a fine which may extend up to one thousand rupees, or with both: Provided that the objection is sufficiently justified in the special and judgment, if without reasonable and sufficient because the passenger uses the alarm chain provided by the Railway Board, then the penalty shall not be less than—
(a) A fine of five hundred rupees on first conviction; and
(b) Imprisonment for three months, if convicted for the second or subsequent offense.
The section clearly defines that whoever causes disturbance in the smooth communication of the Indian Railways by chain pulling alarm, will be liable to legal action. The penalty is INR 500 or 3 months imprisonment. So remember these rules before the chain pulling to save yourself from penalties or legal trouble.
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