What is Indian Railway ‘Vikalp’ Scheme?


What is the Indian Railway ‘Vikalp’ Scheme? Indian Railways has launched a new scheme called Vikalp to ease the long queue of waiting list passengers. The main objective of starting Vikalp was to help passengers in the waiting list to

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Top 10 Punjabi Foods To Enjoy While Travelling on Train – Travelkhana

Punjabi Foods

Top 10 Punjabi Foods To Enjoy While Travelling on Train – Travelkhana Punjab, a country of five rivers and agriculture, is also famous for its cuisine. The local Punjabi foods is heavily influenced by the peasant lifestyle and is known all over

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Top 10 Best Biryani Dishes to Enjoy While Travelling on Train

Chicken Biryani Dishes

Top 10 Best Biryani Dishes to Enjoy While Travelling on Train Eating in a restaurant is an accompaniment to a trip, especially if it is by train. Imagine enjoying delicious Biryani Dishes on the go. It would be nice to

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Turn WhatsApp into “Magic Genie” for a fun train journey

Turn WhatsApp 8800313131

Turn WhatsApp into “Magic Genie” for a Fun Train Journey What if we told you the most commonly used App on your phone is a gateway to something magical? Get ready to transform your train journey with endless possibilities awaiting

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