Nearest Metro Station to Lady Shri Ram College for Women

Nearest Metro Station to Lady Shri Ram College for Women is Moolchand Metro Station

Lady Shri Ram College For Women is located on Lala Lajpat Rai Road, Lajpat Nagar in New Delhi. It is nearby Moolchand Metro Station which is located on violet line of Delhi metro. Driving distance between metro station and Lady Shri Ram College For Women is approximately 1.7 kilometers. It will take 4 minutes by auto rickshaw and 9 minutes on foot to reach your college.

Check out how to reach Moolchand Metro Station from distinct metro lines. Get yourself updated with total travel fare, number of stations, metro timing, number of interchanges and the metro route.

Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Kashmere Gate metro Station

Want to know about the Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Kashmere Gate Metro Station? Are you studying in Lady Shri Ram College for Women and want to travel on daily basis for the same? The distance in between these that is Kashmere Gate metro station and Lady Shri Ram College for Women is 20 km and it will take on an approximate 30 minutes of time in covering the same. Though, the nearest metro station to Lady Shri Ram College for Women is Moolchand metro station that is located on the violet line of metro railways. It will take around 30 minutes only in covering the distance in between Kashmere Gate metro station and Moolchand metro station and from there, Lady Shri Ram College for Women is hardly at 750 meter distance and it will take in maximum 2 to 3 minutes of time in covering the distance and getting down at the college. LSR or Lady Shri Ram College for Women is a constituent and highly reputed college for women affiliated by the University of Delhi. In fact, it is counted among one of the top colleges of Arts and Social Sciences in India.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 30
Time 27 min
First 5:59:00
Last 23:18:08
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Left
# Station Phone
1 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
2 Chandni Chowk 8800793130
3 Chawri Bazar 8800793131
4 New Delhi 8800793132
5 Rajiv Chowk 8800793133
6 Patel Chowk 8800793134
7 Central Secretariat 8800793135
8 Central Secretariat 8800793135
9 Khan Market 8800793218
10 Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium 8800793219
11 Jangpura 8800793220
12 Lajpat Nagar 8800793221
13 Moolchand 8800793222

Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Noida City Center metro Station

Want to know of the route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Noida City Center metro Station? The distance between Lady Shri Ram College for Women and Noida City Center metro station is 16.3 km and it is going to take about half an hour in covering the same travelling via road and moving through Noida Delhi direct flyway by a private taxi or a car. It also depends much on the traffic and road conditions too. If you are thinking of travelling via metro, then simply board the metro from Wave City Center Noida on the blue line heading towards Dwarka Sector 21 and get down at Pragati Maidan station. Walk a bit about 230 m distance from Pragati Maidan metro station and get on the metro from Supreme Court and get down at LSR College on the same line moving towards Sangam Vihar. From LSR College metro station, college is just at a 1 minute distance only and it is the quickest and safest means of travelling, especially if you need to commute on daily basis. LSR College is an esteemed college of women and is affiliated by the Delhi University. It is among one of the top-notch arts and social sciences colleges of India.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 0:00:00
Time 42 min
First 6:00:00
Last 22:50:00
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Left
# Station Phone
1 Noida City Center 8800793155
2 Golf Course 8800793156
3 Botanical Garden 8800793157
4 Botanical Garden 9205682374
5 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 9205682375
6 Kalindi Kunj 9205682376
7 Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh 9205682377
8 Okhla Vihar 9205682378
9 Jamia Millia Islamia 9205682379
10 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380
11 Okhla N.S.I.C 9205682381
12 Kalkaji Mandir 9205682382
13 Kalkaji Mandir 8800793225
14 Nehru Place 8800793224
15 Kailash Colony 8800793223
16 Moolchand 8800793222

Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Vaishali metro Station

Want to know of the route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Vaishali metro Station? The distance in between Vaishali metro station and lady Shri Ram College for Women is of about 19.8 km. If you have your own car or vehicle, or using a private taxi, it is going to take in between half an hour to 50 minutes via Delhi Meerut expressway in reaching by the college. Though, if you are a regular, it is always advised to use the metro rather than any other means of transport. It is going to be cost efficient on daily usage and purpose and will be helpful in beating the traffic especially at peak hours. Take the metro from Vaishali metro station on the blue line moving in the direction of Dwarka Sector 21 and get down at Indraprastha station. From here, walk down till IP Depot, which is around 200 m away and take the metro from here moving towards Nehru Place and get down at LSR College station. From station, the college is hardly a minute away and it is the best and quickest ways of travelling so far. The fare will be only of Rs. 40.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 44 min
First 6:00:00
Last 22:51:12
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Left
# Station Phone
1 Vaishali 8800793236
2 Kaushambi 8800793235
3 Anand Vihar 8800793198
4 Karkar Duma 8800793199
5 Preet Vihar 8800793200
6 Nirman Vihar 8800793201
7 Laxmi Nagar 8800793202
8 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
9 Indraprastha 8800793166
10 Pragati Maidan 8800793167
11 Mandi House 8800793168
12 Mandi House 8800793168
13 Janpath
14 Central Secretariat 8800793135
15 Khan Market 8800793218
16 Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium 8800793219
17 Jangpura 8800793220
18 Lajpat Nagar 8800793221
19 Moolchand 8800793222

Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Rithala metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 1:00 hr
First 5:25:00
Last 22:34:30
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Left
# Station Phone
1 Rithala 8800793120
2 Rohini West 8800793119
3 Rohini East 8800793118
4 Pitam Pura 8800793117
5 Kohat Enclave 8800793116
6 Netaji Subhash Place 8800793115
7 Keshav Puram 8800793114
8 Kanhaiya Nagar 8800793113
9 Inder Lok 8800793112
10 Shastri Nagar 8800793111
11 Pratap Nagar 8800793110
12 Pul Bangash 8800793109
13 Tis Hazari 8800793108
14 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
15 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
16 Chandni Chowk 8800793130
17 Chawri Bazar 8800793131
18 New Delhi 8800793132
19 Rajiv Chowk 8800793133
20 Patel Chowk 8800793134
21 Central Secretariat 8800793135
22 Central Secretariat 8800793135
23 Khan Market 8800793218
24 Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium 8800793219
25 Jangpura 8800793220
26 Lajpat Nagar 8800793221
27 Moolchand 8800793222

Route to reach Lady Shri Ram College for Women from Huda City Centre metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 57 min
First 5:45:00
Last 22:48:00
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Left
# Station Phone
1 Huda City Centre 8800793154
2 IFFCO Chowk 8800793153
3 MG Road 8800793152
4 Sikandarpur 8800793151
5 Guru Dronacharya 8800793150
6 Arjan Garh 8800793149
7 Ghitorni 8800793148
8 Sultanpur 8800793147
9 Chhattarpur 8800793146
10 Qutab Minar 8800793145
11 Saket 8800793144
12 Malviya Nagar 8800793143
13 Hauz Khas 8800793142
14 Hauz Khas 8448991345
15 Panchsheel Park 8448991344
16 Chirag Delhi 8448991343
17 Greater Kailash 8448991342
18 Nehru Enclave 8448991341
19 Kalkaji Mandir 9205682382
20 Kalkaji Mandir 8800793225
21 Nehru Place 8800793224
22 Kailash Colony 8800793223
23 Moolchand 8800793222

Nearest Metro Station to Jesus & Mary College

Nearest Metro Station to Jesus & Mary College is Lok Kalyan Marg metro station

Have you been thinking of getting admission in the reputed JESUS & MARY COLLEGE that comes under South Campus Delhi University College? Founded back in 1968, it is a women only college providing bachelor’s degrees in arts, commerce and mathematics. The college also provides honors degree in subjects including history, elementary education, political science, sociology, Hindi, Vocational studies, English, psychology, economics, maths and commerce. It is advised to use the metro while going to and fro to Jesus and Mary College and other places around the city as it not only saves time and traffic but also is cost efficient means of travelling. The nearest metro station to Jesus and Mary College is Lok Kalyan Marg metro station that is at an about 4 km distance from the college and it will take about 5 to 7 minutes to cover that distance by an auto. Even, if you have some extra time, the distance could be easily walk able and could be covered in like 10 to 15 minutes. So, use the metro and board the metro from your nearest station and de board here and reach the college in minimal time and without any hassle.

Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Kashmere Gate metro Station:-

Are you studying in the famous Jesus & Mary College and want to know of the Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Kashmere Gate metro Station? Just for the information, metro travel is indeed the safest and most efficient means of travelling from one point to another. The nearest metro station to Jesus and Mary College is Lok Kalyan Marg metro station, located on the yellow line of metro railways. The distance from Kashmere Gate metro station to Lok Kalyan station is of about 20 minutes as the station is on the Red, Yellow and Violet line of metro railways. So, feel free to board the metro from Kashmere Gate station and drop by at Lok Kalyan station and from there, Jesus and Mary College is hardly at 3 to 4 km distance and that can be covered in 4 to 5 minutes. From the nearest metro station, people can take an auto or an e-rickshaw as their frequency is quite higher and reach the college in few minutes. Jesus & Mary College is only Women College proffering bachelors degree in commerce, arts and mathematics and is quite an old and reputed college affiliated as per Delhi University.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 30
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 20
Time 23 min
First 5:59
Last 23:35:04
From Platform 3
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
2 Chandni Chowk 8800793130
3 Chawri Bazar 8800793131
4 New Delhi 8800793132
5 Rajiv Chowk 8800793133
6 Patel Chowk 8800793134
7 Central Secretariat 8800793135
8 Udyog Bhawan 8800793136
9 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137

Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Noida City Center metro Station

Want to know of the route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Noida City Center metro Station? The distance between Noida City Center metro station and Jesus and Mary College is of 23.1 km and it is going to take 1 hour and 5 minutes via road in reaching the destination, using Delhi Noida Direct flyway using a private taxi or a car. The best and sound way in reaching the Jesus and Mary College is to travel via metro and it is going to be time saving as well as affordable as compared to any other mode of travel. From Noida City Center metro station, get on the blue line heading towards Dwarka Sector 21 and get down at Mayur Vihar -1 phase and from there, change on the metro on the pink line moving towards Majlis Park and get down at Durgabai Deshmukh South Campus station. From this station, Jesus and Mary College is just at 1 km distance and it is going to take only 10 to 12 minutes in reaching the college. Metro travel is so far the safe and efficient means of travelling for sure and it also helps to beat the traffic of the city.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 44 min
First 6:00:00
Last 22:50:00
From Platform 2
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Noida City Center 8800793155
2 Golf Course 8800793156
3 Botanical Garden 8800793157
4 Noida Sector-18 8800793158
5 Noida Sector-16 8800793159
6 Noida Sector-15 8800793160
7 New Ashok Nagar 8800793161
8 Mayur Vihar Extention 8800793162
9 Mayur Vihar Phase-1 8800793163
10 Akshardham 8800793164
11 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
12 Indraprastha 8800793166
13 Pragati Maidan 8800793167
14 Mandi House 8800793168
15 Mandi House 8800793168
16 Janpath
17 Central Secretariat 8800793135
18 Central Secretariat 8800793135
19 Udyog Bhawan 8800793136
20 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137

Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Vaishali metro Station

Want to know of the Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Vaishali metro Station? The distance in between Vaishali metro station and Jesus and Mary College is just of 21.9 km and via road, it is going to take 35 minutes to 1 hour in covering the distance using a private taxi or a car. The road route will be via Delhi Meerut expressway. Though, it is always advisable to make use of the metro journey whenever you are in the city as it saves your both time and money along with beating the traffic as well. Take the metro from Vaishali metro station on the blue line moving in the direction of Dwarka sector 21 and get down at Mandi House station. Get the metro here and change on the one moving in the direction of Mangla Puri Village and get down at Railway Colony. From here, Jesus and Mary College is just at 1 km distance and it is going to take about 12 to 15 minutes in reaching at the college using an auto or an e-rickshaw. The fare that will be charged via metro is Rs. 40 and the travel time will be about 1 hour and 5 minutes.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 30
Time 38 min
First 6:00:00
Last 23:05:00
From Platform 2
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Vaishali 8800793236
2 Kaushambi 8800793235
3 Anand Vihar 8800793198
4 Karkar Duma 8800793199
5 Preet Vihar 8800793200
6 Nirman Vihar 8800793201
7 Laxmi Nagar 8800793202
8 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
9 Indraprastha 8800793166
10 Pragati Maidan 8800793167
11 Mandi House 8800793168
12 Mandi House 8800793168
13 Janpath
14 Central Secretariat 8800793135
15 Central Secretariat 8800793135
16 Udyog Bhawan 8800793136
17 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137

Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Rithala metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 48 min
First 5:25:00
Last 23:01:30
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Rithala 8800793120
2 Rohini West 8800793119
3 Rohini East 8800793118
4 Pitam Pura 8800793117
5 Kohat Enclave 8800793116
6 Netaji Subhash Place 8800793115
7 Keshav Puram 8800793114
8 Kanhaiya Nagar 8800793113
9 Inder Lok 8800793112
10 Shastri Nagar 8800793111
11 Pratap Nagar 8800793110
12 Pul Bangash 8800793109
13 Tis Hazari 8800793108
14 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
15 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
16 Chandni Chowk 8800793130
17 Chawri Bazar 8800793131
18 New Delhi 8800793132
19 Rajiv Chowk 8800793133
20 Patel Chowk 8800793134
21 Central Secretariat 8800793135
22 Udyog Bhawan 8800793136
23 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137

Route to reach Jesus & Mary College from Huda City Centre metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 40 min
First 5:45:00
Last 23:30:00
From Platform 0:00:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Huda City Centre 8800793154
2 IFFCO Chowk 8800793153
3 MG Road 8800793152
4 Sikandarpur 8800793151
5 Guru Dronacharya 8800793150
6 Arjan Garh 8800793149
7 Ghitorni 8800793148
8 Sultanpur 8800793147
9 Chhattarpur 8800793146
10 Qutab Minar 8800793145
11 Saket 8800793144
12 Malviya Nagar 8800793143
13 Hauz Khas 8800793142
14 Green Park 8800793141
15 AIIMS 8800793140
16 INA 8800793139
17 Jorbagh 8800793138
18 Lok Kalyan Marg 8800793137

Nearest Metro station to Holy Family Hospitals

Nearest Metro Station to Holy Family Hospitals is Sukhdev Vihar Metro Station

Route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Kashmere Gate Metro Station

Want to know of the route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Kashmere Gate Metro Station? The distance in between the reputed Holy Family hospital and Kashmere Gate metro station is not much and it is of 17.9 km and via road, it is going to take about half an hour to 1 hour, depending on the road and traffic condition at that time. If you need to travel via road using your own car or a private taxi, it will be via NH 44. It is always advisable to use the metro rather than any other means of transport whenever you are in the city. It saves your both time and money and leaves you more energetic at the destination. Take the metro from Kashmere Gate station on the blue line moving in the direction of Okhla Extension and get down at Holy Family hospital station. From metro station, the hospital is just at 20 m distance and it will take maximum in 2 to 3 minutes in reaching via walk. The fare charged in the metro travel will be only Rs. 15 and the travel time will be about 45 minutes. So, use the same and get by at the hospital on time.

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 30
Time 44 min
First 5:08
Last 23:17
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Kashmere Gate 8800793107
2 Chandni Chowk 8800793130
3 Chawri Bazar 8800793131
4 New Delhi 8800793132
5 Rajiv Chowk 8800793133
6 Patel Chowk 8800793134
7 Central Secretariat 8800793135
8 Central Secretariat 8800793135
9 Khan Market 8800793218
10 Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium 8800793219
11 Jangpura 8800793220
12 Lajpat Nagar 8800793221
13 Moolchand 8800793222
14 Kailash Colony 8800793223
15 Nehru Place 8800793224
16 Kalkaji Mandir 8800793225
17 Kalkaji Mandir 9205682382
18 Okhla N.S.I.C 9205682381
19 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380

Route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Noida City Center Metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 40
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 30
Time 27 min
First 6:00
Last 23:05
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Noida City Center 8800793155
2 Golf Course 8800793156
3 Botanical Garden 8800793157
4 Botanical Garden 9205682374
5 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 9205682375
6 Kalindi Kunj 9205682376
7 Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh 9205682377
8 Okhla Vihar 9205682378
9 Jamia Millia Islamia 9205682379
10 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380

Route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Vashali Metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 55 min
First 6:00
Last 23:05
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Vaishali 8800793236
2 Kaushambi 8800793235
3 Anand Vihar 8800793198
4 Karkar Duma 8800793199
5 Preet Vihar 8800793200
6 Nirman Vihar 8800793201
7 Laxmi Nagar 8800793202
8 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
9 Yamuna Bank 8800793165
10 Akshardham 8800793164
11 Mayur Vihar Phase-1 8800793163
12 Mayur Vihar Extention 8800793162
13 New Ashok Nagar 8800793161
14 Noida Sector-15 8800793160
15 Noida Sector-16 8800793159
16 Noida Sector-18 8800793158
17 Botanical Garden 8800793157
18 Botanical Garden 9205682374
19 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 9205682375
20 Kalindi Kunj 9205682376
21 Jasola Vihar Shaheen Bagh 9205682377
22 Okhla Vihar 9205682378
23 Jamia Millia Islamia 9205682379
24 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380

Route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Rithala Metro Station

Normal Fare (Rs.) 60
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 50
Time 1:16 hr
First 6:00
Last 23:01
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Rithala 8800793120
2 Rohini West 8800793119
3 Rohini East 8800793118
4 Pitam Pura 8800793117
5 Kohat Enclave 8800793116
6 Netaji Subhash Place 8800793115
7 Netaji Subhash Place
8 Shakurpur
9 Punjabi Bagh West
10 ESI Hospital
11 Rajouri Garden
12 Maya Puri
13 Naraina Vihar
14 Delhi Cantt
15 Durgabai Deshmukh South Campus
16 Sir Vishweshwaraiah Moti Bagh
17 Bhikaji Cama Place
18 Sarojini Nagar
19 INA
20 South Extension
21 Lajpat Nagar
22 Lajpat Nagar 8800793221
23 Moolchand 8800793222
24 Kailash Colony 8800793223
25 Nehru Place 8800793224
26 Kalkaji Mandir 8800793225
27 Kalkaji Mandir 9205682382
28 Okhla N.S.I.C 9205682381
29 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380

Route to reach Holy Family Hospitals from Huda City Center chowk

Normal Fare (Rs.) 50
Concessional Fare (Rs.) 40
Time 50 min
First 5:45
Last 23:00
From Platform 0:00
Get down on Right
# Station Phone
1 Huda City Centre 8800793154
2 IFFCO Chowk 8800793153
3 MG Road 8800793152
4 Sikandarpur 8800793151
5 Guru Dronacharya 8800793150
6 Arjan Garh 8800793149
7 Ghitorni 8800793148
8 Sultanpur 8800793147
9 Chhattarpur 8800793146
10 Qutab Minar 8800793145
11 Saket 8800793144
12 Malviya Nagar 8800793143
13 Hauz Khas 8800793142
14 Hauz Khas 8448991345
15 Panchsheel Park 8448991344
16 Chirag Delhi 8448991343
17 Greater Kailash 8448991342
18 Nehru Enclave 8448991341
19 Kalkaji Mandir 9205682382
20 Okhla N.S.I.C 9205682381
21 Sukhdev Vihar 9205682380

Trains Between Delhi to Dhanbad

Delhi to Dhanbad Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
12312 KALKA MAIL DLI 7 DHN 3.05 20.05
12324 ANVT HWH EXP ANVT 7.05 DHN 1.4 18.35
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP DLI 15.05 DHN 12 20.55
12314 SEALDAH RJDHANI NDLS 16.25 DHN 6.18 13.53
12302 KOLKATA RJDHNI NDLS 16.55 DHN 6.35 13.4
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP NDLS 19.4 DHN 8.58 13.18
12382 POORVA EXPRESS NDLS 17.35 DHN 12 18.25
12380 JALIANWALA B EX DLI 19 DHN 12.26 17.26
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA ANVT 19.5 DHN 8.58 13.08
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI ANVT 19.1 DHN 12.26 17.16

Delhi to Dhanbad Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
12324 ANVT HWH EXP x x x Y x x Y
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP x x x Y x x x
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP Y Y x Y Y x x
12382 POORVA EXPRESS Y Y x x Y x x
12380 JALIANWALA B EX x x x x x x Y
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA x x x x x x Y
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI x x Y x x x x

Delhi to Dhanbad Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A CC SL
12312 KALKA MAIL Available Available Available x Available
12324 ANVT HWH EXP Available Available Available x Available
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP Available Available Available x Available
12314 SEALDAH RJDHANI Available Available Available x x
12302 KOLKATA RJDHNI Available Available Available x x
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP Available Available Available x x
12382 POORVA EXPRESS Available Available Available x Available
12380 JALIANWALA B EX Available Available Available x Available
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA x x Available Available x
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI Available Available Available x Available

Trains Between Delhi to Dehradun

Delhi to Dehradun Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
19019 DEHRADUN EXP NZM 5.4 DDN 17.35 11.55
12017 DEHRADUN SHTBDI NDLS 6.45 DDN 12.5 6.05
14309 UJJAINI EXPRESS NZM 11.25 DDN 19.4 8.15
12055 DDN JANSHTBDI NDLS 15.2 DDN 21.1 5.5
14041 MUSSOORIE EXP DLI 22.25 DDN 8.25 10
12401 NANDA DEVI EXP NZM 23.45 DDN 5.4 5.55
12687 DEHRADUN EXP NZM 21.1 DDN 4.45 7.35
19565 UTTARANCHAL EXP NDLS 10.5 DDN 19.4 8.5
22659 DEHRADUN EXP NZM 10.5 DDN 18.05 7.15
14317 IND DDN EXPRESS NZM 11.25 DDN 19.4 8.15

Delhi to Dehradun Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
14309 UJJAINI EXPRESS x x x Y Y x x
12687 DEHRADUN EXP x Y x x Y x x
19565 UTTARANCHAL EXP x x x x x Y x
22659 DEHRADUN EXP x x x x x x Y
14317 IND DDN EXPRESS Y x x x x x Y

Delhi to Dehradun Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A CC SL 2S EC
19019 DEHRADUN EXP x Available Available x Available x x
12017 DEHRADUN SHTBDI x x x Available x x Available
14309 UJJAINI EXPRESS x Available Available x Available x x
12055 DDN JANSHTBDI x x x Available x Available x
14041 MUSSOORIE EXP Available Available Available x Available x x
12401 NANDA DEVI EXP Available Available Available x x x x
12687 DEHRADUN EXP x Available Available x Available x x
19565 UTTARANCHAL EXP x Available Available x Available x x
22659 DEHRADUN EXP x Available Available x Available x x
14317 IND DDN EXPRESS x Available Available x Available x x

Trains Between Delhi to Kozhikode Calicut

Delhi to Kozhikkode Calicut Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP NZM 9.15 CLT 4.37 43.22
22656 NZM TVC SF EXP NZM 10.05 CLT 4.27 42.22
12218 KERLA S KRANTI NDLS 13.4 CLT 5.42 40.02
16688 NAVYUG EXPRESS NDLS 14.15 CLT 18.32 52.17
22634 NZM TVC SF EXP NZM 23.4 CLT 17.57 42.17
12284 NZM ERS DURONTO NZM 21.35 CLT 11.27 37.52
12432 TRIVNDRM RJDHNI NZM 10.55 CLT 21.02 34.07
12484 ASR KCVL EXPRESS NDLS 13.4 CLT 6.17 40.37
22654 NZM TVC SF EXP NZM 10.05 CLT 4.27 42.22
22660 DDN KCVL SUP EXP NZM 13.55 CLT 6.17 40.22

Delhi to Kozhikkode Calicut Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
22656 NZM TVC SF EXP x x x x Y x x
12218 KERLA S KRANTI x x Y x Y x x
16688 NAVYUG EXPRESS x x x x Y x x
22634 NZM TVC SF EXP x x x x Y x x
12284 NZM ERS DURONTO x x x x x Y x
12432 TRIVNDRM RJDHNI x Y Y x x x Y
12484 ASR KCVL EXPRESS x x x x x x Y
22654 NZM TVC SF EXP Y x x x x x x
22660 DDN KCVL SUP EXP Y x x x x x x

Delhi to Kozhikkode Calicut Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A SL
12618 MNGLA LKSDP EXP x Available Available Available
22656 NZM TVC SF EXP x Available Available Available
12218 KERLA S KRANTI 2 Available Available Available
16688 NAVYUG EXPRESS x Available Available Available
22634 NZM TVC SF EXP x Available Available Available
12284 NZM ERS DURONTO Available Available Available Available
12432 TRIVNDRM RJDHNI Available Available Available x
12484 ASR KCVL EXPRESS x Available Available Available
22654 NZM TVC SF EXP x Available Available Available
22660 DDN KCVL SUP EXP x Available Available Available

Trains Between Delhi to Cuttack

Delhi to Cuttack Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
12816 NANDAN KANAN EX ANVT 6.3 CTC 9.53 27.23
18478 KALINGAUTKALEXP NZM 12.05 CTC 3.45 39.4
22824 BUBNESWR RJDHNI NDLS 17.05 CTC 16.4 23.35
12802 PURSHOTTAM EXP NDLS 22.25 CTC 3 28.35
12876 NEELACHAL EXP ANVT 6.3 CTC 14.32 32.02
12820 ORISSA S KRNTI ANVT 7.05 CTC 11.32 28.27
22812 BUBNESWR RJDHNI NDLS 17.05 CTC 15.05 22
20818 BUBNESWR RJDHNI NDLS 17.05 CTC 19.2 26.15

Delhi to Cuttack Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
12816 NANDAN KANAN EX Y x Y Y x Y x
12876 NEELACHAL EXP x Y x x Y x Y
12820 ORISSA S KRNTI x Y x x Y x x
22812 BUBNESWR RJDHNI Y x x x Y x x
20818 BUBNESWR RJDHNI x x x x x x Y

Delhi to Cuttack Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A SL
12816 NANDAN KANAN EX x Available Available Available
18478 KALINGAUTKALEXP x Available Available Available
22824 BUBNESWR RJDHNI Available Available Available x
12802 PURSHOTTAM EXP x Available Available Available
12876 NEELACHAL EXP x Available Available Available
12820 ORISSA S KRNTI x Available Available Available
22812 BUBNESWR RJDHNI Available Available Available x
20818 BUBNESWR RJDHNI Available Available Available x

Train Between Delhi to Kolkata

Delhi to Kolkata Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
12312 KALKA MAIL DLI 7 HWH 8.05 25.05
12324 ANVT HWH EXP ANVT 7.05 HWH 6.1 23.05
13008 U A TOOFAN EXP NDLS 7.1 HWH 19.3 36.2
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP DLI 15.05 HWH 16.55 25.5
12314 SEALDAH RJDHANI NDLS 16.25 SDAH 10.1 17.45
12302 KOLKATA RJDHNI NDLS 16.55 HWH 9.55 17
12304 POORVA EXPRESS NDLS 17.35 HWH 17.15 23.4
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP NDLS 19.4 SDAH 12.45 17.05
12306 KOLKATA RJDHNI NDLS 16.55 HWH 12.15 19.2
12382 POORVA EXPRESS NDLS 17.35 HWH 17.15 23.4
12274 HWH DURONTO EXP NDLS 12.55 HWH 10.4 21.45
13120 ANVT SDAH EXP ANVT 18.15 SDAH 10.55 40.4
12380 JALIANWALA B EX DLI 19 SDAH 17.3 22.3
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA ANVT 19.5 HWH 12.5 17
22858 ANVT SRC SF EXP ANVT 13.45 SRC 16.55 27.1
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI ANVT 19.1 SDAH 17.3 22.2

Delhi to Kolkata Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
12324 ANVT HWH EXP x x x Y x x Y
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP x x x Y x x x
12304 POORVA EXPRESS x x Y Y x Y Y
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP Y Y x Y Y x x
12306 KOLKATA RJDHNI x x x x Y x x
12382 POORVA EXPRESS Y Y x x Y x x
12274 HWH DURONTO EXP x Y x x x Y x
13120 ANVT SDAH EXP x Y x x x Y x
12380 JALIANWALA B EX x x x x x x Y
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA x x x x x x Y
22858 ANVT SRC SF EXP x Y x x x x x
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI x x Y x x x x

Delhi to Kolkata Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A CC SL
12312 KALKA MAIL Available Available Available x Available
12324 ANVT HWH EXP Available Available Available x Available
13008 U A TOOFAN EXP x x Available x Available
12372 JSM HWH SF EXP Available Available Available x Available
12314 SEALDAH RJDHANI Available Available Available x x
12302 KOLKATA RJDHNI Available Available Available x x
12304 POORVA EXPRESS Available Available Available x Available
12260 SDAH DURONTO EXP Available Available Available x x
12306 KOLKATA RJDHNI Available Available Available x x
12382 POORVA EXPRESS Available Available Available x Available
12274 HWH DURONTO EXP Available Available Available x Available
13120 ANVT SDAH EXP x x Available x Available
12380 JALIANWALA B EX Available Available Available x Available
12250 ANVT HWH YUVA x x Available Available x
22858 ANVT SRC SF EXP x Available Available x Available
12330 W B SMPRK KRNTI Available Available Available x Available

About 15047/48 Purvanchal Express

An Insight to 15048/50 Gorakhpur Poorvanchal Express

Want to know and grab rail info about 15048/50 Gorakhpur Poorvanchal express? Belonging and been managed by Indian Railways, it is a weekly running express type supposed to be linking Kolkata city with Gorakhpur crossing through Ballia district based in Uttar Pradesh. Being recognized as a long distance running train, it covers the entire distance within a day. The overall distance that has been covered by the train is 880 km and 15048/50 Gorakhpur Poorvanchal express runs at an average speed of 65 km/hour. Adding to this, it is known to go through stations such as Burdwan, Durgapur, Asansol, Jhajha, Gidhaur, Barauni, Kiul, Chhapra, Ballia and Gorakhpur.

The coach composition of the express is been like comprised with AC chair car, general sitting and second class sitting type of coaches. Each of the class except the general class is been known to get prior reservation. It also has a pantry car attached known for providing food and drinks services as per the convenience and need of passengers. Adding to this, tatkal scheme is also available in the train. As far as traction is been concerned, it is been hauled by WAP 4 in between Kolkata to Barauni and by WDM 3A/B in between Barauni to Gorakhpur. This train is extremely popular and always remain in huge demand among travellers and as a result, people need to look and book for tickets in advance and the booking gets already booked at least two months in advance and due to such high demand, even tatkal based tickets are often unavailable.

15048/50 Gorakhpur Poorvanchal express is been acknowledged and known as the most reckoned train supposed to be linking Howrah division with Northwester Uttar Pradesh with North Bihar. Train 15048 runs from Kolkata station to Gorakhpur station whereas train 15050 runs in the opposite direction from Gorakhpur station to Kolkata station. As per the time table defined, train 15048 runs on weekly basis on Wednesday and Sunday and train 15050 runs on every Tuesday and Saturday in a week. Train 15048 departs from Kolkata station at 14:30 hours IST and reaches at Gorakhpur station at 09:10 hours IST whereas train 15050 departs from Gorakhpur station at 12:30 hours and reaches at Kolkata station at 04:30 hours. Crossing Ballia in Uttar Pradesh, it is always advisable to check seat availability on time and go for bookings in order to stay away from any frustrations. Along with this, for e-catering services, people can go for opting e-catering services and Travel Khana is a reckoned and famous e-caterer proffering excellent hot and fresh quality food delivery services in trains and that too as per the ease and convenience of travellers within time and at any of the desired railway station. In case, you need to travel any of the city, make sure to get bookings in this express and travel in the same enjoying the journey and e-catering services within fastest time as could be possible. Happy travel!

Highlights of Purvanchal Express

No of Coaches Total – 18,  AC – 2, SL – 12, GN – 4
Pantry Car No
E-Catering Yes By
Avg. Running Status Average
Cleaning Average
Ticket Availability Average
Passenger Safety Average
Mobile/Laptop Charger Yes

15047/Purvanchal Express, Kolkata to Gorakhpur Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Kolkata(KOAA) origin 14:30 origin 0
Naihati Junction(NH) 15:22 15:24 2 0
Bandel Junction(BDC) 15:45 15:47 2 0
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) 16:48 16:50 2 0
Durgapur(DGR) 17:38 17:43 5 0
Asansol Junction(ASN) 18:17 18:22 5 0
Chittaranjan(CRJ) 18:46 18:47 1 0
Madhupur Junction(MDP) 19:26 19:29 3 0
Jasidih Junction(JSME) 19:54 19:58 4 0
Jhajha(JAJ) 21:05 21:10 5 0
Barauni Junction(BJU) 23:15 23:35 20 0
Samastipur Junction(SPJ) 00:25 00:30 5 1
Muzaffarpur Junction(MFP) 01:25 01:30 5 1
Hajipur Junction(HJP) 02:25 02:30 5 1
Sonpur Junction(SEE) 02:51 02:53 2 1
Chhapra Junction(CPR) 04:15 04:25 10 1
Siwan Junction(SV) 05:10 05:15 5 1
Deoria Sadar(DEOS) 06:05 06:10 5 1
Gorakhpur Junction(GKP) 07:45 destination destination 1

15048/Purvanchal Express, Gorakhpur to Kolkata Route, Schedule & Time Table –

Gorakhpur Junction(GKP) origin 11:30 origin 0
Deoria Sadar(DEOS) 12:09 12:11 2 0
Siwan Junction(SV) 13:10 13:15 5 0
Chhapra Junction(CPR) 14:40 14:50 10 0
Sonpur Junction(SEE) 15:43 15:45 2 0
Hajipur Junction(HJP) 15:55 16:00 5 0
Muzaffarpur Junction(MFP) 17:05 17:10 5 0
Samastipur Junction(SPJ) 17:55 18:00 5 0
Barauni Junction(BJU) 19:20 19:40 20 0
Jhajha(JAJ) 21:45 21:50 5 0
Jasidih Junction(JSME) 22:22 22:27 5 0
Madhupur Junction(MDP) 22:52 22:55 3 0
Chittaranjan(CRJ) 23:33 23:35 2 0
Asansol Junction(ASN) 00:11 00:16 5 1
Durgapur(DGR) 00:47 00:49 2 1
Barddhaman Junction(BWN) 01:53 01:55 2 1
Bandel Junction(BDC) 02:55 02:57 2 1
Naihati Junction(NH) 03:20 03:22 2 1
Kolkata(KOAA) 04:45 destination destination 1

15047/48 Purvanchal express coach position seat map layout and fare

Seeking for updates related to coach position seat map layout and fare in Gorakhpur Purvanchal express? Here, you will definitely get some idea related to the same. Being a weekly running train, it is quite a long distance express and is connecting Kolkata and Gorakhpur across the country. It runs on both sides with train numbers 15047 and 15048. As of now, it is been comprised with 23 coaches in total and there is no pantry car service attached with the train. The coaches included in the train are second tier AC, third tier AC, sleeper class and general unreserved ones. The fare for a person in general quota that will be charged is 1,650 for 2A, 1,145 for 3A, 420 for SL and 230 for GN. The fare in tatkal quota that will be charged will be 2,130 for 2A, 1,470 for 3A and 540 for SL. The coach position and structure could be easily figured out and known once you have a look at the seating map of the respective coach. Once people look at the seat map and layout, they can figure out with the help of coach number and seat number that where will be the seating of them while being on the train, and also if they are travelling in bigger group will be seated altogether or not. So, know about coach position in advance only and have a safe travel.

Train Coach Position And Seat Layout all Classes:-

Second Tire AC Coach(2A): Seeking for information related to Second Tier AC Coach (2A) in Purvanchal express? Do you have any plans to visit in between Gorakhpur and Kolkata in India or in between them somewhere? Want to travel in this train in 2A coach? Did you get the tickets to travel in 2A coach in the train? The best way to get an insight of second tier coach 2A is to have a look at the seat map of Railways first of 2A coach and from there, it will be a matter of seconds to know more of it. The train Purvanchal express runs in between Kolkata and Gorakhpur and from both sides; it operates with train numbers 15047 and 15048. In accord to 2A coach seat map of Indian Railways, the berths available are lower berth, upper berth, side lower berth and side upper berth. Each berth category is marked with different colour and there is clear understanding of the same among the users. In total, berths available to seat and to sleep in the coach are 46. The train Purvanchal express has 23 coaches available in total and rake with number 6 belongs to second tier coach. Aside from this, the coaches available in the train are sleeper, third class tier, general unreserved and SLRs. There is no pantry car attached within. Do feel free to try out e-catering food meal services in the train from TravelKhana. Safe travel!2a-aThird AC coach(3A):- Want to get information about third Tier AC Coach (3A) in the regular running train, PURVANCHAL EXPRESS? The train is connecting Kolkata junction and Gorakhpur junction across the country and runs on weekly basis. From both sides, it runs with train numbers 15047 and 15048. Belonging to Eastern Railways, the distance travelled by the train in total is 880 km. The operating speed of the train is 65 km/hour and the travel time is of around 19 hours and 35 minutes. Looking for the train time of PURVANCHAL EXPRESS, at which it departs and reaches the destination station? In accord to the time table, train 15047 leaves from Kolkata junction at 14:30 hours and reaches Gorakhpur junction at 07:45 hours on next day of travel. Train 15048 leaves from Gorakhpur junction at 11:30 hours and reaches Kolkata junction at 04:45 hours, stopping by at 17 halts in between the travel. The train has 23 coaches available and the coach composition includes AC 2 tier, AC 3 tier, sleeper and general unreserved coaches. For the information, the train do not have a pantry car attached. Rake with number 18 belong to third Tier AC Coach (3A) coach. In general class, the fare that will be charged in 3A is Rs. 1145. In tatkal quota, the fare will change to Rs. 1470. From a child, it will be Rs. 555. From a senior citizen female, it is Rs. 595 and senior citizen male, it is Rs. 705.

3aSleeper class(SL):- The Sleeper class (SL) coach in the regular running Purvanchal Express, which is supposed to be operating with train numbers 15047 and 15048 from both ends, is available with rake numbers 9 to 21. In total, 24 coaches are available in the express as of now and aside from sleeper class coach, the other coaches that are available are second tier, general category and third tier class coaches. There is no pantry car attached within the train as of now. The express is supervised by the North Eastern Railways and is supposed to be running on bi-weekly basis in between Kolkata junction and Gorakhpur junction across the country. The distance that it covers in total is 860 km and the travel time is of around 17 hours and 15 minutes. It stops by at 17 halts in between the journey and the operating speed of the express is 50 km/hour. The seat map of the SL coach is the effective way of checking and knowing about the seat position, layout, structure and other details of the sleeper class coach. The fare in general class category will be Rs. 435 in SL and in tatkal, it will change to Rs. 520.slUnreserved Second Class Compartment(GS)
stands for Seating cum Luggage Rake(SLR)

Trains Between Delhi to Churu

Delhi to Churu Trains – Arrival, Departure Time

Train Train Name From Dep. To Arr. Travel
22421 SALASAR SUP FAST DEE 7.05 CUR 11.5 4.45
22472 BKN INTERCITY DEE 8.4 CUR 13.3 4.5
12259 NDLS DURONTO NDLS 11.55 CUR 16.05 4.1
22482 DEE JU SF EXP DEE 23.15 CUR 3.52 4.37
12457 DEE BKN S F EXP DEE 23.35 CUR 4.2 4.45
15624 KYQ BGKT EXPRESS DLI 10.1 CUR 15.2 5.1
12371 HWH JSM EXP DLI 10.1 CUR 15.2 5.1

Delhi to Churu Trains – Running Days

Train Train Name M T W T F S S
12259 NDLS DURONTO Y Y x Y Y x x
15624 KYQ BGKT EXPRESS x x x x x x Y
12371 HWH JSM EXP x Y x x x x x

Delhi to Churu Trains – Coach and Seat Availability

Train Train Name 1A 2A 3A SL 2S
22421 SALASAR SUP FAST Available Available Available Available Available
22472 BKN INTERCITY x Available Available Available Available
12259 NDLS DURONTO Available Available Available x x
22482 DEE JU SF EXP Available Available Available Available x
12457 DEE BKN S F EXP Available Available Available Available x
15624 KYQ BGKT EXPRESS x Available Available Available x
12371 HWH JSM EXP Available Available Available Available x