Delicacies to try when visiting Durg

Durg has a district headquarter in Chattisgarh. This place is definitely not to be missed in case you are visiting Chattisgarh. Durg is one of the famous railway stations on the Mumbai – Howrah railway line. Durg is not a small city and has six platforms. Around 162 trains cross the Durg stations on daily basis and hence passengers passing by this station cannot stop themselves from the tasty savouries during their journey.

While we are travelling via trains, then eating exciting dishes during our journeys make the travelling experience more enjoyable. Durg is famous for local, national and international cuisines. However, it is not easy for a traveller to get down on the station and try the local delicacies in the restaurant. But now this problem is no more an issue. With Food Delivery at Durg station by various food vendors who serve food in trains directly, people can now taste the local food while they are passing the station. All you need to do is to order the food from the e-catering sites and you can get hot and fresh food delivered right at your seat once you reach the station.IMG_1104

Famous Delicacies of Durg

Durg is not just the district headquarter for Chattisgarh, but also a food hub for many food lovers. This place offers wide range of delicacies in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

Rice, Wheat, Maize and Jowar are the staple food of this state. Rice and Arhar Dal with Chana dal is highly enjoyable food by the locals of this place. People of Durg like to eat vegetables and rice for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. Dishes like Bafauri and arhar dal are quite popular in the Durg region. Other dishes like Rakhia Badi curry which is prepared with rakhi fruit, some green chillies, slit gram and coriander tops the menus of vegetarian curries in the restaurants. For people who have a sweet tooth, this city offers desserts like jaelbi, Moong dal ka Halwa, Kaju Katli and petha. Other than food, there are some drinks that are quite popular amongst the locals of this place and also sure to be found in the menus of small or big eateries, these are tea and lemon water.

Large portion of Chattisgarh is a home for tribal communities and many people will find a lot tribal influence in the cuisine of Durg. One of the most enjoyable delicacies of this community is a delicious concoction of the creamy white fruit, also known as Mahua. Other than authentic dishes, this city has a wide variety of street food and that too at very affordable prices. For people who are budget travellers, they do not have to worry on the food expense in case they are visiting Durg.

Post the commercialisation of the city, it is easy to find restaurants that serve cuisines from all the part of the country and globally also. However, the chefs here make sure they keep the local flavours intact. People of Durg are quite friendly and cosy which makes it easier for the traveller.

So next time when you are planning to visit any city of Chattisgarh, do not miss to visit the city of Durg. In case you are just passing by, then try the food delivery at Durg station to taste the local flavours of the city.

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