TravelKhana Blog

Now track your train on your mobile

Making things more simpler for passengers than ever before, Indian Railways has introduced Rail Radar, a new service that will help you track your train in real time, right on your Smartphone. This is a smart improvement over the online system Train Enquiry that has often failed in offering accurate timing of trains. The new service runs on trusted Google Maps, which means when you are looking for a train, you can check it on the map. The service is currently available for more than 6500 trains, and the Railways has promised to add more trains under this service.
You might wonder how Rail Radar is different from the previous service. The first thing that differentiates it is the use of Google maps as now you can see the current status of the train, with clear marking about delays. When a train is delayed, the same will be reflected in red while showing the train position, and in case, your train is on time, you will see the train in blue on the map. The new service is easy to use and is a free service.
Next time you think of getting food on train from a food service or want to know the train position for getting a cab, use Rail Radar to track your train. The service has received thumbs up from users and critics alike. After a long time, this is really something good that has been introduced in Indian Railways. Travelling with the right information gets simpler and easy.

Now track your train on your mobile