Nearest Railway Station to Fazilka

Nearest Railway Station to Fazilka

Do you want to know about the nearest railway station to Fazilka? Fazilka rail junction is situated in the Fazilka district located in the Punjab state and is supposed to be serving people of Fazilka. It is in close vicinity catering to the needs of the main city and proper and easy convenience transport facilities are available. Basically, it is a defunct rail transit point situated on the India Pakistan border. The other railway stations that are in close distance to the city are jand Wala Kharta station and Theh Qalandar rail junction. Fazilka is a municipal council and a city situated in Punjab state in India. Recently, it was made as headquarter of the newly created Fazilka district. The language that was spoken by most of the people here is Bagri and Punjabi. The place is well acknowledged for its regional dance form, a specific kind of Jhumar dance which is also referred to be as Satluj style. In fact, at least 2 regional styles of dance forms are mixed in their day to day life. The rail, road and air connectivity is pretty decent and the climate, on the whole, remains dry and is addressed by a hot summer, short rainy and embracing winter time.

Trains Passing Through FKA/FAZILKA Junction

14601 Firozpur Cantt – Hanumangarh Express (UnReserved) Mail/Express Rake 07:00 07:03
14602 Hanumangarh – Firozpur Cantt Express (UnReserved) Mail/Express Rake 14:19 14:22
14731 Delhi – Fazilka InterCity (Bhatinda) Express Mail/Express Rake 01:00 destination
14732 Fazilka – Delhi Intercity (Bathinda) Express Mail/Express Rake origin 02:15
3FKNR Kotkapura Fazilka DMU Passenger DEMU 14:45 destination
54559 Bathinda – Fazilka Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake 12:25 destination
54560 Fazilka – Bathinda Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake origin 13:00
54783 Fazilka – Rewari Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake origin 08:35
54784 Rewari – Fazilka Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake 16:05 destination
54785 Firozpur Cantt – Fazilka Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake 08:10 destination
54786 Fazilka – Firozpur Cantt Passenger (UnReserved) Passenger Rake origin 17:20
74971 Firozpur Cantt – Fazilka DEMU DEMU Rake 10:45 destination
74972 Fazilka – Firozpur Cantt DMU DEMU Rake origin 06:10
74973 Firozpur Cantt – Fazilka DMU DEMU Rake 12:35 destination
74974 Fazilka – Firozpur DEMU DEMU Rake origin 10:55
74975 Firozpur Cantt – Fazilka DEMU DEMU Rake 16:00 destination
74976 Fazilka – Firozpur DMU DEMU Rake origin 12:45
74977 Firozpur Cantt – Fazilka DMU DEMU Rake 19:55 destination
74978 Fazilka – Firozpur DMU DEMU Rake origin 15:05
74981 Kot Kapura – Fazilka DEMU DEMU Rake 06:00 destination
74982 Fazilka – Kot Kapura DEMU DEMU Rake origin 10:30
74983 Kot Kapura – Fazilka DEMU DEMU Rake 14:50 destination
74984 Fazilka – Kot Kapura DEMU DEMU Rake origin 20:05
74985 Bathinda – Fazilka DMU DEMU Rake 10:15 destination
74986 Fazilka – Bathinda DMU DEMU Rake origin 03:00
74987 Bathinda – Fazilka DEMU DEMU Rake 23:55 destination
74988 Fazilka – Bathinda DEMU DEMU Rake origin 16:10

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